
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India develops the course curriculum for its students and undertakes the periodic review of the course keeping in mind the developments in different subjects world wide and the objective of equipping the students with necessary knowledge and skill to serve the needs of Indian industry. The change in business process across the globe and the continuous research work have evolved various advanced tools and techniques in the field of management accounting. The Institute has brought the modern techniques like Just in Time ( JIT), Total Quality Management ( TQM), Life Cycle Costing, Value Analysis, Throughput Accounting etc in the syllabus of Advanced Management Accounting. Moreover, Time Series Analysis and Test of Hypothesis have also been brought into the Operation Research portion of the syllabus to equip the students with the research techniques. Equal importance has also been given in traditional tools of management accounting like Standard Costing, Budgeting, CVP Analysis etc which have great role to play in controlling and managing costs as well as decision making.
The Board of Studies which is instrumental in imparting theoretical education for the students of Chartered Accountancy Course develops the Study Materials of all subjects with the objective of developing the clear understanding of the concept of different topics covered in the subject among the students. The Study Material on Advanced Management Accounting covers nineteen chapters and topics included in each chapter are explained in details with explanation, examples and illustrations. As Management Accounting builds on various cross functional areas, comprehensive understanding of the subject is possible if only one covers all the topics of management accounting. A real life problem relates a number of topics of management accounting which are closely linked and its solution asks for clear understanding of all related topics. Thus, the students are advised to go though the whole study material and are expected to supplement their studies by referring to the recommended books of the subject in order to equip themselves with necessary professional knowledge of the subject. If required, they are also advised to brush up their knowledge of related topics of IPCC level.
The Board of Studies has also developed Practice Manual of the subject to provide an effective guidance material by providing clarification / solution to very important topics / issues, both theoretical and practical, of different chapters. Moreover, it will serve as Revision Help book towards preparing for Final Examination of the Institute and help the students in identifying the gaps in the preparation of the examination and developing plan to make it up. It will also provide standard of solutions to the questions which will act as a bench mark towards developing the skill of students on framing standard answer to a question. For any further clarification/guidance, students are requested to send their queries at,
Happy Reading and Best Wishes!
The Aim To Write This here is that almost 90% of the students don't read this before exam and we Know whatz the result.

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