The subject of Financial Management has acquired a critical significance now-a-days, due to recent surge in globalization and massive cross border flow of capital. The study of this subject opens new opportunities for Chartered Accountancy students. The paper stresses the importance of applying the knowledge and techniques of financial management to the planning, operating and monitoring of the finance function in particular as well as the organization in general. Further, this paper not only focuses on these aspects at the
domestic level but also at the international level as well.
The students are expected to cover the entire syllabus and also do practice on their own while going through this practice manual. Students are also advised to update themselves with the latest changes in the financial sector. For this they may refer to academic updates in the monthly journal ‘The Chartered Accountant’ and the Students ‘Newsletter’ published by the Board of Studies, financial newspapers etc.
The course Study Material covers the theoretical framework in detail. In addition to this students can also refer the good books available on this paper. This Practice Manual has been designed with the need of home-study and distance learning students in mind. Such students require full coverage of the syllabus topics, and also the facility to undertake extensive question practice. The main aim of this Practice Manual is provide guidance as to the manner of writing an answer in the examination. The main features of this Practice Manual are as follows:
• Concepts in Brief: Important definitions, equations and formulae have been given before each topic for quick recapitulation.
• Previous examinations questions: Generous compilation of practice questions from the previous eighteen examinations. Students are expected to attempt the questions and then compare their solutions with the solutions provided in the manual.
• Assignment: Exercises have been given at the end of each topic for independent practice. Students can attempt these questions and compared their answers with answers provided at the end of each question.
In case you need any further clarification/guidance, please send your queries at esahaayataa portal at ICAI website (www.icai.org) or at any of the email-ids:
ashish.gupta@icai.org or nidhi@icai.org.
Happy Reading and Best Wishes!
The Aim To Write This here is that almost 90% of the students don't read this before exam and we Know whatz the result.
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